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Cinque Terre Espresso

Third Coast Coffee Roasting Company

Regular price $14.00

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Whole or Ground, sold by the pound:

If you don't see the grind selection you're looking for, please select "WHOLE BEAN" and write grind type in "Special instructions to seller" when checking out.

only -1912 left in stock

  • Taste: Caramel, chocolate 
  • Roast: Mixed Black & Tan Roast 
  • Body: Full
  • Acidity: Medium
The Cinque Terre is a string of centuries-old seaside villages on the rugged Italian Riviera coastline that spans across five towns. This espresso is a five bean blend that will take you on a delightful journey of flavors and complexities, much like the pastel hues of the villages and steep terraces of The Cinque Terre.
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